The story continues…

so on Monday I had a change of heart and started on my latest attempt at weight loss with some walking (10000 steps). On Tuesday I paid the price and did less walking but still kept moving (7000 steps). On Wednesday I decided to hike over the hill to Dundonald and back which worked out at 15000 steps. That was probably the most intense exercise I have done in 25 years.

On Thursday I was wiped out. I didn’t do any walking other than to and from the printer at work and in fact was curled up in bed asleep before 7pm. Naturally I woke at 2am on Friday and it took a couple of hours to get back to sleep before getting up at 6:30 for work. I got home on Friday night with good intentions but Fern was staying over and somehow I got volunteered to take her to the park. So we walked up to the park where she played for a couple of hours then walked home. Not as much as I had intended to do but at least it was something (about 3500 steps on my new pedometer).

I spent an hour or so on Friday evening googling for walk routes in and around Ayrshire with the intention of going out for a longer walk. That plan was scuppered on Saturday morning when I got landed with Fern and instructions to take her to the Farm Park at Ayr. Fern sure had a ball, pretty sure she was on everything and we returned home at tea time with my wallet feeling somewhat lighter as is to be expected :).

Saturday night was my semi-regular gaming session with the guys so that was spent eating junk food and soft drinks… Well I can’t be good ALL the time…

Today I fired up the Wii this morning and did a work out on EA Active. I wasn’t actually holding much expectation for it but by the end I was sweating like a pig and indeed feeling the burn.

I think the resistance band supplied is far too weak for me so I will look into getting a stronger replacement to get more benefit out of the workouts.

Weight wise I started the week at something over 23stone 12 pounds (335 lb / 151.5 kg) because the bathroom scales just said “Error”. This morning I weighed 23stone 8 pounds (330 lb / 149.7 kg) It’s a start.

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