Happy Birthday to … me ;)

So, another year has gone and I am 13 for the third time.

I promised to blog how my day went, so here goes :p And yes, prepare to be underwhelmed!

Got up this morning at around 10 ish. Didn’t have to work as they kindly gave me the day off ! Yay! for free days off. Flicked through a few channels on TV and fired up the pc… (don’t worry it’s not all like this.)

Went downstairs for breakfast and was greeted by Mum who had left a bag of presies on my seat at the table and a card. Opened that card and the other I had been handed at work while I prepared breakfast.

For the curious the pressies were: Socks, boxers, and some toileteries (shower gel and ant perspirant ^^). Nothing particularly of note as that’s what my Mum always gets me 🙂 The only problem was the boxers, not the style I like to wear but they were from M&S so easy enough to exchange. Floated around the house until lunch time messing about on my PC as I am won’t to do.

Decided to take a wander into Ayr after lunch to exchange the boxers and wander round. Had a look in a few shops on the way to M&S, got there, exchanged the goods for an alternative and wandered back down the other side of the street. Grand total 1 hour passed.

Went back to the car, paid the extortionate parking fee in the Kyle Centre (shopping mall thing) and drove out to wander round PCWorld. Nothing much interesting there either so after a bit I headed home.

Got home, spent some more time flicking TV channels and messing around on PC until dinner. After dinner I considered going to see Harry Potter but plumped for Terminator 3 on DVD instead out of laziness and a wish not to be surrounded by annoying kids. Fired up WoW and did the argent tournament dailies and killed the raven god to see if the mount dropped (no it didn’t). And finally wrote this blog entry.

And I never even took any photos to put a random picture in to this post.

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