And on a lighter note…

I’ve been playing games somewhat less lately, trying to use my time more productively.  Still I have managed to finish the basic game in Resident Evil 4 on the wii…  I love that game..  Need to start on the other stories that I have now unlocked 🙂

I also picked up Bioshock, which has had a lot of hype.  My review ?

Gameplay wise it’s a standard first person shooter.  In addition to normal weapons you can get “plasmids” which are effectively psychic powers and do add a nice twist to things.

Atmospherically the game is awesome…  It’s all very dark with sinister overtones, lots of shadowplay and lights going out at critical moments.  And then there is the audio.  That’s what makes the game for me.  All the time as you explore the underwater city there is 1920s style music playing in the background.  You can hear the inhabitants talking, screaming, muttering, crying, killing each other.. etc…  A lot of work has gone into that and it pays off big time.

I haven’t really played it very far, but so far I am really enjoying it.

WoW.  I reactivated my Euro account so I could drop in and see how things were going on my old server.  Things seem to be ticking along but I find less draw back than I expected.  In the mean time I have been playing my US account and my Horde Druid.  He got to level 70 a couple of weeks ago and has since been working on attunements / rep for keys to isntances and gathering gold for his epic flying training.  At 4700 gold of 5000 now so nearly there 🙂

Movie wise I’ve watched a few films lately…

The Contractor 
Wesley Snipes is an employee of one of the shadowy US organisations sent to kill a terrorist who is in British custody.  Naturally things go wrong and he gets thrown to the hounds, and left to make his own way out.  He befriends a young girl while hiding out and she helps him get in touch with the British authoirities.

I quite enjoyed this film, even tho Wesley is getting on a bit he carried off the role pretty well.  It’s not the high kicking all action of his older movies but it still has some action scenes. 

Mark Wahlberg is an expert sniper pressed into helping stop an assassination attempt on the president…  Naturally he gets set up and framed.  The rest of the film has plenty of shooting, exploding etc as he proves his innocence.

Yep, seems to be a theme, lol.  The film is quite enjoyable, plenty of action scenes and a story line to tie them together.  Best of all Danny Glover is in it.  ‘Nuff said.

The Reaping
Hilary Swank plays an investigator who debunks “miracles” scientifically.  In the town of Haven (groan), Louisiana it seems 10 biblical plagues are occurring.  Naturally the investigator gets dragged in.

Pretty standard fare, can’t really say much without blowing the whole story.  It’s watchable, but certainly not the best film I’ve seen lately.

I also have Sunshine to watch, I’ve heard lots of good things said about it so I am looking forward to it.  Just haven’t found the time in the last week or so.

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