impatient bluetit

impatient bluetit, originally uploaded by terminal.boredom.

Well it’s been a while since I posted a photo. It feels like forever since I was out with my camera. I’ve been working late shifts pretty much since I got back from the states and as a result have not had much time to get out taking pics.

This afternoon I did manage to get out for a little while, even if it was only in the garden. I had hoped the robin would be around but he seems to be absent today. I did manage to snap a shot of this little guy tho, it came out not bad I think.

I’ve been thinking lately about my photography (among other things), and noticed that my preference is very much nature photography. I enjoy taking my camera, going places I’ve never been and taking pictures.

Looking back through my photos from the last year (and there are a *lot* more than I have posted!) I find that I only rarely stop to take pictures of other things. Very few people, occasional buildings, shapes or shadows on occasion, but 90% is wildlife.

It’s almost as if I’m actually avoiding taking “snaps” even if unintentionally. I wonder if there’s something to that…

Even the photos from my trip to CA only include a couple of people. So I have decided that sometime I would like to try photographing a person… Anyone want to be a model for a day ? lol. If you do, let me know and we can maybe work something out.