Yuri the Tiger

Yuri the Tiger

Yuri the Tiger, originally uploaded by terminal.boredom.

Somehow I never quite made it to the chimps… again!

It did rain in the morning so I ended up visiting deep sea world first. It was ok, but not good for photos 🙂 The actual underwater tunnel where you can see the sharks swimming overhead is pretty neat.

Around 11am I went to the Zoo, DSW got boring after an hour or so. I wandered round a bit taking pics, took a break for lunch then spent the afternoon wandering around (in some very light rain) taking more pics. I even watched the animal antics show which was pretty good, they flew some owls, a vulture and some lorikeets.

Unfortunately for me even in the poor weather the place was really busy so I didn’t always get to spend as long as I might like at some of the exhibits simply because I felt mean for blocking access with my camera/tripod. I did get to finally see one of tigers tho!

Strangely by the time I ended up at the new chimp exhibit it was time for me to start heading home. I guess I will visit the chimps *next* time…

The pic is of Yuri, the male tiger at the zoo. Larger version and more info on flickr as always.